At Night by Jonathan Bean was a book we picked up a the library a few years ago. The story is quiet, simple, and perfect. It's about a little girl who lives in the city. At bedtime she tosses and turns until she decides to go up to the roof of her building where she quickly finds a peaceful sleep. Is is a must read for any family living in a city.

The Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman never gets old no matter how many times I read it (and I have read this book A LOT!). It's about a growing family who has some very picky eaters for children. The book is a long rhyme which makes it so fun to read. The story flows wonderfully and the pictures are some of the best. My kids can stare at the pictures of this book for hours and they find something new every time.
A Visitor for B

Priscilla and the Pink Planet by Nathaniel Hobbie quickly became the favorite of my three girls. Like Seven Silly Eaters, this book is a little longer and rhymes beautifully. This book teaches a great lesson on why it is important to have variety in your life. The illustrations have a Seuss-like quality that I adore.
I hope you have found some new books to try and I am really looking forward to hearing what some of your lesser-known favorites are. Please let me know. I would LOVE to grab them at my library and feature them in future weeks. Thanks!