I won a $20 gift certificate to this great shop on Etsy called Jesse Anne Designs. She makes awesome jewelry and I can't wait to spend my winnings. Here are a few things I am considering,
Great stuff right? They are all beautiful so I am not quite sure how I am going to decide.
Next I won a radio concert. Crazy! So it was one of those typical call in, answer a question, win a prize kind of deals. I admit I call in for this contest about once a week. It always plays on my way to work and I really have nothing else to do (except drive) so I call if I think I have a chance. They never tell you the prize up front but typically it is tickets to a movie or bowling or something.
So the question: 43% of Americans will do this the day after the Super Bowl
Answer: Re-watch the commercials on-line
Yippie! I won. But what did I win? Tickets to see Andy Grammer in concert. This Thursday. And tickets to a sound check party prior to the show. Well, I am not really the concert type. I really like music but I only go to a concert about once a year. I can jam to the radio but I rarely know who sings the songs that I know all the words to. And, this is on a school night. This mother of 3 never goes out on a school night :-) I immediately called my husband, first asked him to google the band to see who in the world it is, then told him to get a sitter. We are going out! I think we will skip the sound check party to save a little cash on the baby sitter but this mommy will have a great Thursday night! Here is a video so you can jam along with me,

Well I have a feeling this is the end of my big winnings this week but it's not yours. Tomorrow starts a BIG giveaway on my blog. There will be 4 different Etsy shops giving away a great item and the winner of the giveaway gets them ALL! Check back tomorrow to see the items and to enter! See you tomorrow!
Congrats Sarah! I absolutely LOVE the top bracelet! :)